Clear structure for more efficient and targeted operations
“No one is so rich to be able to afford to lose everything due to a wrong decision”
– Bernie Cornfeld

The continuous change of the market and the advent of new information technologies exert considerable pressure on the internal processes of companies. Is the marketing and advertising department informed about the new online trends? Is the logistics department equipped to handle the flexibility demanded by my customers with the highest flexibility? Has the administration clear what the business priorities are? The key to achieving operational efficiencies and the highest employee motivation is to move from a mentality of “it has always done this way” to “what can I do to get us closer to our goals?”.
MATT & PARTNER consultants support managers in the precise mapping of decision, information and operational flows through the M&P Business Check-up. Based on the outcomes, they formulate tailormade proposals for the specific situation of the customer to optimize procedures and corporate structures, plan human and technological resources and manage projects in an efficient manner.
But processes are not the only aspect that might need a through revision. With today’s strong societal changes, small and medium-sized enterprises in particular need to deal more intensively with questions concerning company culture, incentive systems and personnel development. Companies with a familial and internally grown business culture are confronted with considerable challenges by the need to enrich their workforce with experts with international experience. On the other hand, the growth of some companies has been fuelled so far by expanding markets and that are now forced to reconsider their position on the market due to growing competitive pressure. The only way out in this condition is to move towards well-defined product and service niches.
MATT & PARTNER supports you in redefining the structure of all divisions of your organization to equip it for the future challenges, from the optimization of its processes and structures, through the design and introduction of flexible work systems and time models, to modern pay and incentive systems.
We are at your disposal
+39 0471 32 44 01
+39 0471 32 85 45
Piazza Domenicani, 7
I-39100 Bolzano
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